May 17, 2012



The meeting of the Capital Outlay Committee was held at 6:30 pm in the Selectmen's Meeting room and was called to order at 7:45 p.m. by Chair Paul Linehan.


Members Present:

Chair:                          Paul Linehan

Board of Selectmen:    Walter "Joe" Roach and Bill Heitin

Finance Committee:    Gordon Gladstone

School Committee:     Jeffrey Cruzan

Planning Board:          David Milowe and Alan Robbins


Others Present:

            Town Administrator:  Benjamin E. Puritz (ex-officio)

DPW Superintendent:  Eric Hooper

Mike Polimer


1.  Administrative Items


Chair Linehan asked the Capital Outlay Committee members to introduce themselves.


Approval of March 8 2012 Minutes


VOTED:  (4-0-2)   Voted unanimously to accept the meeting minutes of March 8, 2012


2.  DPW Reallocation


DPW Superintendent, Eric Hooper, said that two (2) quotes for pre-engineered metal building were obtained:


Bid #1:  100’ clear span x 150’ x 18’ total eave height $507,000 

Bid included:

·         Standing seam metal roof 6” vinyl faced fiberglass insulation;

·         Four drive-through bays with overhead garage doors on each side;

·         Two walk-through bays on building ends with 4 total pass doors;

·         Each drive-through bay provides room for up to three large dump trucks and four small dump trucks;

·         Walk-through bays provide room for small equipment, mower decks, dry records storage and Town Clerk voting machines.

(The Town would execute foundation excavation and provide foundation and slab materials).

Bid does not include Electric service and lighting ($15,000), Gas-fired space heaters ($15,000) and Sprinkler system ($60,000).  Hooper said that DPW could do the aforementioned themselves.  This size building would house everything that is needed by the Departments.


Bid #2:  75’ clear span x 132’ x 18’ total eave height $392,000

Bid included:

·         Standing seam metal roof 6” vinyl faced insulation;

·         Four drive-through bays with overhead garage doors on each side;

·         Two walk-through bays on building ends;

·         Each drive-through bay provides room for up to two large dump trucks and three small dump trucks;

·         Walk-through bays provide room for small equipment only.  Mower decks and other seasonal equipment, dry records storage and Town Clerk voting machines will remain in roll-off containers.

(The Town would execute foundation excavation and provide foundation and slab materials).

Bid does not include Electric service and lighting ($20,000), Gas-fired space heaters ($20,000) and Sprinkler system ($75,000).  Hooper said that DPW could do the aforementioned themselves.


The reason why I (Mr. Hooper) am here is to line up funding for the Steel Building.  DPW does have money left from previous related appropriations – approximately $198,000 – still needed is $100,000.


Member Gladstone recommends that a single bid should be sent out for all work required for the Steel Building and that it would be best served if an architect was engaged for the project.


Member Heitin suggested that the Steel Building be in phases.


The consensus of the COC is to have DPW go back to Town Meeting in November 2012 with a firmer definition and price of the Steel Building.


3.                  Emergency Management – Mike Polimer


Mike Polimer came before the COC requesting reallocation monies for the Hixson Farm generator.  He feels that the generator needs updating.  It is the

Consensus of the COC is not to reallocate and leave the original request as is.


Mr. Polimer would like to reallocate the $15,000 for windows back to the COC.


4.  VOTED:  (6-0-0) to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m. - unanimous